Commando Utopia the duo of Intellectual Terrorists and Sabotage Artists with Weapons of Mass Construction present their Artistic Manifesto.
When artist couple Thomas Dellert –Dellacroix and Agnieszka Dellert-Dellfina attacks the world of art they do it under the ironic name of “COMMANDO UTOPIA” They are armed with weapons of Mass Construction and they embark on a anarchistic and pacifistic campaign of sabotage art, in a way that only intellectual terrorist can do. They do it with colors and music, poetry and ironic statements and always with a smile and a paint ball gun for fun in hand.
They attack what they feel is boring, to one dimensional, to stagmatic, and much to pretentious. And at the same time they display themselves as targets for mass medial bullets. Their “ Artistic Manifesto “ is as much a matrix for their thoughts as well as for their actions. They see themselves as anti heroes , armed with a Bar of lethal Molotov cocktails made of equal doses, Fun, Fame and Fortune. They sharpen their pens, reload their arsenal of virtual missiles, and study carefully their invasion maps. Commando Utopia is a ART-Error organization with a contract to bring back the danger in art and to blow up the dictatorship of the art market. If you’re a gallerist out there, be prepared to be the next target.