• Thomas Dellert has been a multimedia artist for over 40 years using many different artforms as his tools. Painting, Photography, Collage, Hand Printed Silkscreen, Sculpture, Installation, Video, Music, Poetry, Short Films, Performance art, stage and costume design and now fashion and product design.
  • Thomas did some hand printed silk screens for Andy Warhol in 1980 and when hanging around with Andy he saw all the big and expensive sides of Manhattan and the USA. So Thomas used to say Wow ! that must be expensive and Wos ! that is big . So one day Andy said to Thomas ``I will call you " Tommy Dollar " because you seem to love the dollars as much as I do. Warhol had this mania of renaming the people that were in his entourage , and by doing so he felt as the creator of even their personas. The name Tommy Dollar has stuck with Thomas and today The new fashion line is titled “ Tommy Dollar Original “ and it has taken years in the making and is now finally ready to be launched in 2022-23.
  • It contains of : Pop Art summer dresses with a Celebration of Important Women in History theme ,
  • silk shirts, pop art jeans, high heel shoes, sneakers, bomber jackets, bed linnen, pillow cases,
  • bakpacks, lap top covers, beach bags, towels, hard suitcases, mobile phone covers,
  • make up kit zipper bags, art T -shirts, and soon also Vintage 1950-60 exclusive silk and lace lingerie and specially designed Fully Fashioned Stockings.
  • All with the designs of his own personal pop art.